
Hello, I'm Vinamra 👋

I am a undergraduate 1st year student at IIT-KANPUR in E.E. deparment, Enthusiastic for Web development and Image processing. Check out my Github repositories.
First year of my college is very exciting, I will write blogs to share my experiences and memories.Languages that I can speak are English and Hindi
Apart all that I love to play cricket (specially in H-13 basket-ball court 😁), debate in any issue and watching movies and webseries.



I started learning web-dev on 2020 summer , as a course on course-era but then I realize it is not sufficient, I have over to surf internet and learn things .
I am very curious about how different websites are created since my childhood.
Untill now, I am comfortable with HTML-5,CSS-3,JavaScript and Bootstrap.I am serving as a Web-secy in book-club


I am Electronics Club Secy.
Currently I am working on my Summer-project(vr-motion-capture).
In field of Electronics ,I am comfortable with arduino programming and its breadboard-circuits and also learn about signal-transmission of AM-waves.
I also completed some basic projects on Image-processing in my Winter-Camp and Mini-Camp.


Not so many but I am learning Python in this summer and C as a course (ESC101) in my 2nd sem.
Apart from that I knew html,css,js that i mention in web-dev section.